Wednesday, November 09, 2005

3rd Album

Hey guys!

Just thought i'd let you gys know that even though i haven't recorded the second album ('All I Want') i have almost completed writing the follow up 3rd album which is called 'Are You Happy Now'. This album is quite chilled compared to the second one which is a bit of a change for me, but i'm really pleased with the way it's turned out. Even though the first two albums were obviously personal and written about my experiences, this third album is completely telling the story of the last 8 months which has been quite a turbulent time, so i hope people like it once it's completed. Anyway, i'll keep you posted.

Take care,



Hey people.

Sorry it's been an absolute age since i last updated, but everything has been a bit crazy of late. With regards to the second album, recording is still going on, and it should be finished hopefully by february.

I'll make sure i keep track of my progress on blogspot so you guys know.



Thursday, May 19, 2005

2nd Album


I have finally finished my finals (thank god) and i can now get back to the music thing! I have started recording the second album, which is called 'All I Want', and it's going very slowly at the moment! I was really looking forward to recording this album, but it's turning into a bit of a nightmare! I think i'm just too much of a perfectionist to be honest! I seem to have to rerecord everything until it's absolutely spot on (which it never is anyway! :))

Anyway, i have one or two songs down, so i guess that's something! But i'll let you know how it's going when it goes a bit better!

Mike :)

Friday, May 06, 2005

New Material

Hey all.

Just wanted to let you know what i'm up to. Due to the stress of revising for my finals, I haven't really written many new songs. And, I think i'm having a bit of a dry inspirational spell at the moment! But, I have written about 9 songs for the new album. Anyway, i'll try and post some more stuff soon!


Thursday, April 28, 2005

Let Me Know Pt.1

These are the lyrics to a song i wrote called 'Let Me Know Pt.1'. It's about how when you feel attracted to someone, your behaviour changes, whether you realise it or not.

Let Me Know Pt.1

Changed me
I’m acting fairly strange
What’s happened
I’ve been called deranged
Printed out
A picture of you
Obsessed in a way
Will I see it through

Wish I could read you
Better than I do
Am I moving to fast
I’m afraid that this won’t last
It’s destined for the past
Tell me
Write me
Let me know

You intrigue me
More than I let you know
I play it cool
I’m not your average joe
I like you
But I can’t play my card
I know me
And I like to be in charge

I want to spell it out
But I can’t seem to
Is it obvious that I like you
I’m afraid of being exposed
Too closed
Tell me
Write me
Let me know

Let me know
Let me know
Let me know
Let me know


Ok, so now I know this is working, I can introduce myself! My name is Michael Brown, and I am an aspiring singer/songwriter. This is the place where you can find out what i've been doing, see the lyrics to my songs, and generally find out about my music!


This is my first post! Just wanted to say hey to everyone and test that this is working!